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P&F (Parents & Friends)
The Northpine Christian College Parents & Friends (P&F) Association, whose organising committee is appointed by the College Advisory, aims to provide opportunities for parents and friends to meet and engage, while supporting the activities of the College and its programs.

Fundraising projects aim to provide the College with additional equipment and facilities that will enhance and contribute to our school life now and into the future.

P&F hold various events such as the Walkathon and Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls. The committee also supports college events such as Open Day and various fundraising events.

Membership of the Northpine Parents & Friends Association is open to all parents (new and existing) and guardians of students attending the College, members of the College staff, and those friends who are interested in contributing to the College in a positive way.

To contact the NCC Parents & Friends Association with suggestions and queries as well as to offer your time and help, please email northpinepnf@gmail.com

You can also join our Facebook  group () where you will be able to review the activities that the association are undertaking throughout the year. It is the most effective way to share and communicate with other parents and to be a part of the “community.”